News from the Lab
Congrats, Eric!
Congratulations to Eric R. Wengert, Ph.D., a 2nd-year Postdoctoral Fellow in the lab, who will be the 2022-2023 and inaugural recipient of the Holt Family Epilepsy Research Fellowship, supported by a generous gift to the lab by the philanthropic and visionary Holt...
Congrats, Sarah!
Penn junior undergraduate Sarah Pham has been awarded a 2022 Louis H Castor M.D. Undergraduate Research Grant in the amount of $1,000 via the University of Pennsylvania's Center for Undergraduate Research and Fellowships (CURF) for her ongoing research project...
Congrats, Jade!
Congratulations to Postdoctoral Fellow Jade Feng on her poster acceptance to the Basic Science Poster Highlights Session at the American Epilepsy Society 2022 Annual Meeting in Nashville, TV, in December 2022. This poster session features the 40 best posters from over...
Congrats, Sophie!
Congratulations to MD-PhD student Sophie Liebergall for receiving a 2022 Trainee Professional Development Award from the Society for Neuroscience to fund her attendance to the 2022 Annual Society for Neuroscience meeting in San Diego, CA, in November 2022.
Congrats, Melody!
Congratulations to undergraduate research intern Melody Cheng for being awarded the Velay Women’s Science Research Fellowship Program and the Ernest M. Brown, Jr. College Alumni Society Undergraduate Research Grant.
Congratulations, Julie!
Julie Merchant -- now a third-year Neuroscience graduate student in the lab -- has been awarded a 3-Year National Research Service Award F31 Individual Predoctoral Fellowship from the National Institutes of Health through the National Institute of Neurological...
Welcome, Summer Students!
The Goldberg Lab welcomes four summer research interns: Melody Cheng, Sarah Pham, Leroy Arias, and Angela Yu. Pictured: Eric Wengert, PhD, and students Leroy Arias, Angela Yu
Congratulations, Joanna!
Joanna Mattis, MD, PhD was appointed Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) in the Department of Neurology at The University of Michigan, effective June 1, 2022, where she will be starting her own laboratory. Congratulations, Joanna!
Melody Cheng receives two awards
Congratulations to Melody Cheng for receiving the Ernest M. Brown, Jr. College Alumni Society Undergraduate Research Grant and the Frances Velay Women and Science Research Fellowship.
Joanna Mattis Published in eLife!
Congratulations to Mattis et al on their new paper in eLife!